either the two party politics of the USA is doomed because both political parties are in fact backed financially by the same groups of people with the same interests made especially plausible given the margin between election campaign "war chests" and profits in the private sector (the total of obama's campaign "war chest" came in at around $600 million, a not impossible figure for a successful wall street firm to be paying out even annually.!..). this argument is only made stronger when one considers that obama and his PR gurus saw it fit to deceive the public with regards to where his finance came from. they certainly suggested that his finances were mostly derived from small donors (we were led to believe that his financial support came from straw chewing buck toothed never understood politics before he showed them the light types...). by small donors we are talking $200 and less. however, now that, post election, his financial backing has become a little clearer it appears that only 26% of his financial backers donated $200 or less; compared with 25% of the former President Bush's support in 2004. This can only leave us wondering as to why the whole deliberate and highly tuned sharade of deception (with regards to his fincancial support) took place at all. the obvious answer is : to deceive the audience and present a false image of the man in order to help him become the president elect. well, barack "mulligan" obama, even those in this school of thought will no doubt want to be believing your strong words about change though you seem to have got off on the wrong foot by deceiving your voters right from the start.
so we come to the second school of thought. barack is the next best thing to jesus and is a triumph for the civil rights movement (this is hard to deny given that the blacks in the USA - land of freedom... - were only given the vote after the violent struggles of the 1960s and before).
and to his credit obama hasn't overtly used his colour to divert attention (though he refered to it repeatedly in his inauguration speech) from the real issues. For this we should credit him.
so, we wait barack "mulligan" obama, to see whether you will be a president we'd like to do again...
so here are the written words that accompany the image (above) sent to us by Edwin Leu-Shing : "Well as they say a "picture can say a thousand words”, what can be said about Mr:Obama that hasn’t already been said? Well what led me to paint his portrait was he simply inspired me! When I heard him speak it was like he was speaking directly to me (this I believe this is his secret to him winning), there was something sincere and heartfelt in what he had to say as well as giving hope to the disaffected and hopeless of the world. And the other thing about him being mixed race, being half and half and not been black (this being said by black people than white, that’s personally speaking!).Well being mixed race myself, I believe he has a unique perspective of being from a mixed background as he can see both sides of the fence. He reminded me of a mix of Martin Luther King Jr. and a JFK in his deliveries of speeches and presentations. His visit to Berlin was a sign that Europe, NO the rest of world is ready for a change! I try to capture his essence and power of an leader speaking to the Janitor,housewife,factory owner,office worker, student and to the C.e.o’s of the world, saying what ever we need and want ,we can get there as united people of the world…….Yes we can! "
For Barack Obama, c/o : Cocoa Tea...
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxn9jhypHfo .
(also if that got your attention, the editorial staff at gonzo media can further suggest that you see cocoa tea's cautionary theme tune for phaedophiles, "18 and over" ... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dqRQBBcpLzU&feature=related . )