new initiates for the cult of finance,

new initiates into the cult of finance, see here, just learning some of the ritual customs of the religious practice of the Economy. .

the actions, behaviours and the blind faith of the majority in the market system, in economic theology, and the cults that it habours can more easily be understood when it is seen as a religious activity. the economy is all knowing. the economy can be benevolent but if not properly attended to with the necessary ritual sacrifices of human and natural resources then it can be wrathful as well. what the market gave it can take away. however whatever claims of injustice that can be made by non-believers the market system does encompass all that is good. even democracy, we are told by the high priests of the market and politics, requires a free market type system in place to be able to function. choice. choice is what the gods of the market give us. one thing that can help this transition to democratic rule, particularly in the vulnerable and developing world, is the acceptance of multi-national corporations as missionary-type gifts from the democratic world to bring jobs and new material wealth to groups of people who can only truly be understood as undeveloped savages practising unspeakable rituals such subsistence living. of course in return for the saving graces of the market system the necessary sacrifices will have to be made, such as the handing over of valuable natural resources to the free market whose distribution will be overseen by the high priests of the market for only they can truly understand where those resources are most needed.

there are certain difficulties of course. but, with a properly grounded faith these can be over come. just as the seeming contradictions of the christian faith - such as an all knowing all powerful all benevolent god - can be over come through faith or by simply ignoring them, so too can we over come certain contradictions in the messages of economic theology. for instance the seeming contradiction that the market system requires perfect information to operate while a great deal of time money and resources are used by many of the high priests to propegate false and misleading information. this seeming contradiction can be over come by trusting that the high priests understand what's best for their congragations. in fact only a novice in the religion would be capable of even perceiving this as a contradiction and many a charlatan has been caught out thus. for instance, this misinformation (which in other less advanced religions would be called lying) is often a means to boost consumption, which benefits the markets and so in turn benefits us all through its growth and the trickle down kindnesses it will in the future bestow on the faithful.
choice. while many other lesser religions lack a sense of choice our new market based religion offers us choice in such abundance that we can barely know where to start spending the tokens of faith that the market has bestowed on us. while christianity had one bible, now, in the new religion we have an almost infinite number of bibles which the believer can tailor to their own spiritual and physical requirements. however, the wisdom of the high priests is such that no matter what doctrine of faith any particular believer takes into their hearts, to live by, the fundamental message contained within the doctrine will be identical. so the real choice is whether or not to believe. but fortunately for the would be believer the high priests continually parade their material wealth in their day to day lives to show how greatly the market rewards its faithful followers. also, there is a very large part of the public flow of information (much of which is actually misinformation of course but only for the benefit of the markets and so can be seen as a positive in its outcome rather than deception or bait) that focuses its attentions on the details of the lives of the materially wealthy serves to reinforce the ideology of more is better and money - the trinkets our new religion, is the route to happiness.
even today in these dark times of depression, caused by a lack of credit and consumption, we can see that although some of the high priests made mistakes of judgement and many lesser people around the world will suffer greatly for this, that suffering is good and will help to cleanse us for the next coming of the great Boom and Bubble. For we had sinned and so we must accept the penance. Yes, houses will be repossessed and returned to the banks and mortgage lenders and will not be resold until the high priests in their wisdom think it fit.
And although it may seem to a novice in this religion that the cause and therefore the blame lies at the doors of the high priests (who still live in their palaces) this would be a mistake for although they did gamble the monies of those they lead with what may seem to an uninitiated on-looker a wreckless abandon it is their congragations that must suffer for the high priests were only acting in good faith trying to appease the great forces of the markets - and not only for themselves for see how they suffer each day in their work, but for us, for all people that they too, with enough faith, may benefit from the great market.