the perenial summer...
Ingredients :
50 ml . Dark Rum.
6 - 8 Red Grapes.
1 teaspoon Brown Sugar.
1/2 Fresh Lime.
8 Good Leaves of Fresh Mint.
Generous Splash of Apple Juice.
Method :
Muddle the grapes, fresh mint leaves and brown sugar in the base of mixer. Once muddled squeeze one half of fresh lime into mixer. Add a good splash of Apple Juice. Add a double shot of dark rum. Shake with ice cubes. Strain into Martini glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with slice of Lime and Mint Leaves.
(For a Tall perenial summer add soda water...)
Instructions for Use :
Repeat Process until you feel "cubist" ...
You heard it here first... c/o : the Little White Rhaj...