Salvation : coughing on the light eyes all swollen pupils screaming out to be saved with one damp from sweat hand gripping wetly the 78pennies blindly looking about for a drip of salvation in amongst that glitter-ball moment all traffic sounds hurtling walking at the wrong moment swivelling giddy on heel to avoid just in time a car horn blasts deep right through inner quiet moaning shamelessly walking on out shamelessly through the chic-hipster-art-house crowds thinking fuck this fuck & obscenity you but it has now its been started to be done this whole cheating of the death thing doesn't feel too good :
but beyond
all our crazed ideals and ideologies
we all share the forever-people memories
of running water
hot grass on face
the touches of fleshes
the tastes of tears
and a million other most beautiful {est} of things.jwh,.