The Grid-Locked Dream., c/o : hesq.,

Philosophy of the "Rolling Road Block".,

Phantom traffic jams,
smooth flowing traffic suddenly comes to a halt
and the ripples spread back
cars bumper to bumper
bringing road rage - like clouds bring rain -

road rage : the stiffled frustration of sexual impotency
while imagining high speed automobile accidents
and car wrecks with all the metal eroticism which they imply.,
sexual repression as the precursor to the death fantasy,
halted snuff movies backed up for miles
listening to the traffic reports on their radios...

We are coming to a standstill. Our imaginations dreamed up super-highways with the same cold logic as the concentration camps., detention to create efficiency : we feel tragically alone but we are not, we are all locked inseperably together. We feel impotent yet secretly we know that we could turn the world on its head with one shared heart beat...

Drop the illusions, shake them from you like Shelley's lion shook off the morning dew
and never quietly accept your own defeat.
