fate, circumstance or luck - whatever you will call it - will see us in positions and places that we may never have foreseen. we may feel cheated, jinxed or double crossed and want to fall into fits of bad temper at the cards dealt us by fate; for events may be out of our hands, the whole outward universe may even be pre-determined (!!) but in the dark shineth the light, or, in the darkness the light shines all the brighter - we do have free will; we can always choose whether we INTEND to hurt or to heal, whether to create and build or destroy, whether we consent or refuse our consent, and herein lies the essence of Free Will.
There will always remain that internal enclave of the soul, that minefeild of plots and unwritten stories, imagination denies determinism.
Freedom is what makes us moral animals, it is what makes us kind and it is what makes us cruel; without freedom 'good' and 'bad' cease to have any meaning.
Returning to 'fate' : we can choose to be either the victims or the victors of our fates, no matter what those fates may be, and it is precisely this that makes us humans being rather than human beings.
c/o : on the road.,
There will always remain that internal enclave of the soul, that minefeild of plots and unwritten stories, imagination denies determinism.
Freedom is what makes us moral animals, it is what makes us kind and it is what makes us cruel; without freedom 'good' and 'bad' cease to have any meaning.
Returning to 'fate' : we can choose to be either the victims or the victors of our fates, no matter what those fates may be, and it is precisely this that makes us humans being rather than human beings.
c/o : on the road.,