And so the church bells are ringing wild on and on in the heavy overcast shadowy night. walking with great lumbering difficulties we climb up the steep damp from the night dew verge of the grassy verge - towards a gathered crowd lit up ghostly by a thousand flickering flames - towards the 0 so hollering and screaming lurching jeering crowd of people, some sat on haunches others giddy on their feet full of the exstacy,. we sat at the edge nervous timid wondering 0 so wondering 0 what could this be all about 0 who 0 what and 0 why... we two sitting there were straight away given small metal cups in which we see a thick ginger tasting sweet wine, very warm in the blustering damp night. before us a tall figure - priest like mastering ceremonies - and he is speaking a language we do not understand, my companions and i and he is walking now towards a pen which we suddenly notice - had not seen somehow until that moment as though it were he that were our eyes and sense and 0 he was in control maybe mind manipulator and in this pen - with wire meshing around it - were dozens of small fury creatures - something like a cross between a monkey and a shrew or a rat, but about 2 feet maybe in length, their fur is quite long and thick and seems to ooze from their skinny bodies with imp little faces strangely human but their legs are more like a hare.
The priest expertly caught up one of these little beast by the scruff of its neck and drags it out of the enclosure. the swaying crowd cheer roucously spilling and swigging the thick wine in equal measure, none of their clothes stand out only the grinning staining faces - as if the skin is too tight - could be seen clearly in the flickering light. above us a long wire ran horizontal about 3 feet above the ground on which was another shorter wire about 1 foot in length. the priest then attached the beast to the short wire hanging down by a ring on its ankle. the small beast is now flailing about wild on the end of the wire just above the ground - what sick madness is this ? where are we and suddenly who are my companions... - then in a quick movement the priest has pulled out a hooked shape blade and the volume of the cheering increases deafening all at this insane old witchdoctor and the spectacle is sinking away as i sip deep swigs on the sticky wine and i realise with a cold tremor i am cheering too and that my voice is rasping desperate pleading and meanwhile the priest has hooked the blade into the animal's leg - holding its neck in his other hand - and within a minute the priest has skinned the leg to the bare flesh and bone. the animal is screeching now and one its neck is released it is spinning and pivoting and thrashing about on its wire - always just above the ground - and it is screeching screeching horrible terrible sound above within the crowd's groans of lusty joy and i am mesmerised by the shiny reddish bleeding leg caught up there and i dont notice the priest tossing the skin into the crowd who fight and scabble to catch hold of it and then again the priest pulls out from his coat a bottle which he is pouring over the animals exposed leg - it seems to be some thick oil liquid - and it soothes the animals pain, for it stops screeching and just dangles calmer from the wire but its eyes still are screaming, and the rivulets of blood still flow slower now but still the drops drip drip of its twitchy nose. at this the crowd are quiet watching the thick oil wrap about the tendons nerves joints flesh healing healing and in this eery silence the other animals in the enclosure are restless, buffeting about against each other.
the priest then throws the bottle aside and has the hooked blade in his hand again, holding it high above his head, the silence remains, then quickly very quickly in a flash of the eye could be missed he has light a match in his other hand thrown it onto the oily leg - which ignites instantly - and cut the wire cord on which the beast was tied and the animal is screeching again its leg ablaze with a blue flame and it is bucking and kicking its leg and the crowd has gone into exctasies of noise and the animal is running around and around the blue flames standing out against the flickering red yellow of the thousands of small flames that are everywhere - in the trees in the bushes scattered about the grass and on high pillars - and the monkey shrew is screeching and leaping about and at this minute i turn seeing one of my companions - who is she - screaming with straining face and my face is straining i can feel it i am screaming too shouting but in the midst of this i catch her wrist she tries violently to shake me off but i hold on and feeling giddy still screeching myself now i fall backwards dragging her with me and we fall fall hit the grass behind us on the slope and roll roll backwards tumbling getting tangled up as i cannot let her wrist go and her screams are not fits of noise and i cannot hear my voice now only the fading roar above us behind us and in an instant the spell is broken...
Dr. Eams.,
The priest expertly caught up one of these little beast by the scruff of its neck and drags it out of the enclosure. the swaying crowd cheer roucously spilling and swigging the thick wine in equal measure, none of their clothes stand out only the grinning staining faces - as if the skin is too tight - could be seen clearly in the flickering light. above us a long wire ran horizontal about 3 feet above the ground on which was another shorter wire about 1 foot in length. the priest then attached the beast to the short wire hanging down by a ring on its ankle. the small beast is now flailing about wild on the end of the wire just above the ground - what sick madness is this ? where are we and suddenly who are my companions... - then in a quick movement the priest has pulled out a hooked shape blade and the volume of the cheering increases deafening all at this insane old witchdoctor and the spectacle is sinking away as i sip deep swigs on the sticky wine and i realise with a cold tremor i am cheering too and that my voice is rasping desperate pleading and meanwhile the priest has hooked the blade into the animal's leg - holding its neck in his other hand - and within a minute the priest has skinned the leg to the bare flesh and bone. the animal is screeching now and one its neck is released it is spinning and pivoting and thrashing about on its wire - always just above the ground - and it is screeching screeching horrible terrible sound above within the crowd's groans of lusty joy and i am mesmerised by the shiny reddish bleeding leg caught up there and i dont notice the priest tossing the skin into the crowd who fight and scabble to catch hold of it and then again the priest pulls out from his coat a bottle which he is pouring over the animals exposed leg - it seems to be some thick oil liquid - and it soothes the animals pain, for it stops screeching and just dangles calmer from the wire but its eyes still are screaming, and the rivulets of blood still flow slower now but still the drops drip drip of its twitchy nose. at this the crowd are quiet watching the thick oil wrap about the tendons nerves joints flesh healing healing and in this eery silence the other animals in the enclosure are restless, buffeting about against each other.
the priest then throws the bottle aside and has the hooked blade in his hand again, holding it high above his head, the silence remains, then quickly very quickly in a flash of the eye could be missed he has light a match in his other hand thrown it onto the oily leg - which ignites instantly - and cut the wire cord on which the beast was tied and the animal is screeching again its leg ablaze with a blue flame and it is bucking and kicking its leg and the crowd has gone into exctasies of noise and the animal is running around and around the blue flames standing out against the flickering red yellow of the thousands of small flames that are everywhere - in the trees in the bushes scattered about the grass and on high pillars - and the monkey shrew is screeching and leaping about and at this minute i turn seeing one of my companions - who is she - screaming with straining face and my face is straining i can feel it i am screaming too shouting but in the midst of this i catch her wrist she tries violently to shake me off but i hold on and feeling giddy still screeching myself now i fall backwards dragging her with me and we fall fall hit the grass behind us on the slope and roll roll backwards tumbling getting tangled up as i cannot let her wrist go and her screams are not fits of noise and i cannot hear my voice now only the fading roar above us behind us and in an instant the spell is broken...
Dr. Eams.,