This means that water boarding lies within the system of justice in the USA if it is necessary to use in order to get a confession. Water boarding for those of you who do not know these things (I envy those of you who do not.,) simulates drowning. So from this we can safely draw the conclusion that acts which simulate death do not, in the USA, constitute torture.
Before we continue, let us just state for the record that torture is always and everywhere wrong. Never is it justified. No matter what the situation it is wrong to press the human spirit in such a way as to deliberately make it break. No other human has this right over any other, no matter how one can define another.
Torture is the ultimate hate crime and by far worse than summary executions.
That the USA has sanctioned the use of torture as a part of its judicial system tells the on-looker several things. Firstly, the judicial system is immoral. Secondly, those responsible for these changes in the judicial system are morally corrupt. Thirdly, the judicial system of that country is not applicable to any nation that does not allow torture in the process of getting a confession; but more importantly any evidence obtained through the use torture ought not to be admissible in any court of law that is against torture. This means that the so called terrorists that have admitted to crimes under duress, or under torture, should not be seen as terrorists in countries that do not allow torture, and they should be given asylum to protect them from the judicial system of the USA.
To torture somebody is not just academic or legal jargon that has no relation to the real world. It is a deliberate and concentrated act of cruelty that requires a level of dislocation from reality that begs belief. Ask yourself how far you could go…how much could you break a person..?
re : organ donor by dj shadow : .
sweet dreams.,