A worthy campaign. The usual line that the government and those in favour of the ID cards in their various mainfestations give is "well if you have nothing to hide then you've nothing to worry about..." thereby criminalising (at least implicitly) anybody who opposes the plans. Well whatever, but the truth of that statement rests on an unspoken assumption, which is basically that the government will act benevolently and use its new powers for anything other than the good for all. However, as the great sceptic Descartes once said "it is prudent not to trust one who has deceived you even once..." well, one cannot help but remember Blair's "don't worry you can trust me" lines with regards the WMDs in Iraq, oh, then the lies about the links between Iraq and 9/11, oh and then the illegal bullshit he dressed up about the need and legality of regime change (otherwise known as Violent Occupation...) etc etc...
So, I beleive we can dispell the old "if you've nothing to hide then you've nothing to worry about..." line and have a Right to Demand that a proper debate about this subject commence forthwith, and if no debate comes and the laws are forced upon a population any member of that population has both a Right and a Moral Duty to Oppose the new laws passed.
For more check out the site www.no2id.net .