It has been said before that competitive capitalism destroys the collective unconcious. This is certainly borne out today as "the Crunch" starts to "pinch". It is estimated that in the UK alone there will be upwards of 120 repossessions a day on average during 2008. Each repossession brings with it such unhappiness and despair, to have the roof stolen from over your head by a bank because of changes in the markets is a sad shame. Well, as "the Crunch" plays itself out, perhaps we can try to remember that we do not need to forget all about the collective unconcious, an unconcious that naturally deals in feelings such as empathy, compassion and unselfish love. Perhaps as we see the whole big grandoise LIE crumble before our very eyes we will see through the myths that CNN and the BBC will create to try to keep us believing in the great big LIE and maybe, just maybe we will not allow ourselves to be divided so much ever again, perhaps we will not let ourselves be turned against one another in pursuit of personal paradises that only exist in the advertising executives imaginations, perhaps we will admit to ourselves that we are better off sharing even with folk we do not already know, perhaps we will remember that we are part of the human race and the animal kingdom and not a part of some stocks and shares performance chart, perhaps we will remember that there are no pockets in shrouds and that when we come to die money and material wealth will be of no comfort to us whereas companionship, love and human warmth will make even death seem a minor thing... perhaps we can only hope, but perhaps we really do have a chance again to reunite ourselves as a people and disregard the poisonous Lies of the divisive system of repression that capitalism with all its ugly greed and possessiveness represents.